
Wednesday, 28 December 2016

12 INCREDIBLE ways Nigerians deny themselves opportunities through poor people mentality

You never really know you have a poverty mentality until you hang around rich people. So do you have a poor person mentality?

Here are 12 ways to find out:

1. Constant search for cheaper alternatives

Cheaper is not always better, hence if you always go for the cheaper options to save some coins, you could be on the highway to a lifetime of poverty.

Cheap can be expensive as is the case with girls’ handbags

2. Obsession with free entries and ‘good deals’

If you are one who always lives for promotions and better deals for products, you are exactly the people corporations target to make poorer.

3. Constantly denying yourself of things

Buying a nice pair of shoes does not always mean you are rich. It could simply mean you can afford to spoil yourself once in a while. This can challenge you to be a better version of yourself financially.

girl shopping

4. Belief that you are a victim of other people’s choices

You cannot blame you friend for failing to help you out when you are in need. Imagine a situation where your friend was to lend you some money for a major investment but ended up disappointing you, and you consequently dropped the idea. Trust me, your friend is not to blame for that.

5. Immense fear of spending money on ‘non-essentials’

People always say you should invest your money for a better future. What these people never told you is that being too rigid in your spending such that you deny yourself some essential things is a sure way of dying poor. Take that to the bank.

6. Fear of stigma when you mention an accomplishment

When you mention financial strides, don’t be afraid to say it out loud. Declaring it may actually work well for your confidence and motivation.

7. Guilt when you have more than someone else

You should never feel bad because of the things you own. You earned it and you deserve to feel content with being better placed financially than your friends.

8. Living in discomfort to save money

In the event of a blackout, if you are still using candles when you can afford a rechargeable fan, then something is definitely off. Why would you risk your life because you do not want to spend money buying a rec

9. You are always calculating the cost

If your friends suggest a Friday night outing and the first thing that comes to your mind is the financial implication, then you have a poor person’s mentality. Hanging out once in a while never hurt anybody. You need to change.

10. Belief that you are lucky when you succeed, incompetent when you fail.

Whoever feels lucky to be on planet earth certainly has his/her mind in the wrong place. We were all made to succeed and as such, success should strike you as an essential, rather than sheer luck.

11. Feeling inferior

There is no need for to be feeling inferior when you are around people who have more than you. Just because you do not have does not mean you should allow anybody intimidate you. That is just a poor person’s mentality.

12. Always rejoicing when something bad happens to a rich person

You are denying yourself the opportunity of being rich if you keep rejoicing at other peoples downfall. It cannot be well with you if all you do is wish evil for other people.

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