
Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Don’t Let Your Man Go If He Does These 10 Things

1. You’ve never had to question the way he feels about you

You’ve never been left wondering where you stand in his life, as he constantly reminds you that you mean the world to him- in words and deeds.

2. He’s the person you want to talk to after a rough day

No matter how good or bad it was, no matter how terribly you messed up, there’s no one you would rather share it with than him, because he’s tolerant of you, listens to you, actually understands and at the end of the discussion, you just  better about everything.

3. Life is simply just better with him in it

Your life was remarkably beautiful before you met him, but since he came in, he has managed to make it more beautiful than you ever thought possible. Please, don’t leave him.

There’s a chance that you’ll regret it terribly if you do.

4. No complications

There’s no complication – no shady conversations with an ex who keeps popping up on his phone. No colleague at work who’s too close for comfort, nothing.

It’s just you and he makes that abundantly clear in words and actions.
5. He’s talked about future plans with you

If he makes it clear to you that it’s you he wants to spend his future with, and he speaks of that future with you, then really, that guy is a keeper. Not much really matters aside this TBH.

6. You never get tired of each other

If you gel with him so beautifully that time is never enough when you both are together, then, don’t leave him.

Your conversations are never boring, being with him is always sweet, limitless fun and it pains you every time you have to leave him for only a few hours or few days, then why would want to leave him for good?
7. He always makes you smile

You catch yourself thinking about him, or you are just looking at him speak or goof around, and all you can do is smile… babe, what else do you need to stick with such man that makes you that happy?

Photo: Web

8. He makes you feel beautiful

If he looks at you the way I look at dodo [by the way, I look at dodo with so much adoration in my eyes, all the time], then you should totally hang in there.

On a more serious note, any man who reminds you of how beautiful you are, and how awestruck he is every time he looks at you, with or without your clothes on, he’s someone you really want to be with for a long, long time.

9. He meets you halfway

Many ladies have complained about being the ones doing most of the loving and rarely do the guys meet them halfway.

Thus, when you meet a man who is an exception to the rule, who really ensures that the relationship is not one-sided, then you shouldn’t be thinking of dumping him, especially if he does many of the other things listed in this article.

10. He gives you the best sex of your life

If on top of all these things, you still manage to get the best sex of your life from him, and on a regular basis [as many times as is comfortable and interesting for you], then why would you even think of leaving him?

Aunty, why???

You’re immensely lucky if you have a man who does a lot of these things, and as you read through them you smile because the hints are all there.

You’ve found yourself a keeper, and you should hold on to them.

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