
Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Heartbroken dad prepares sick daughter for death by taking her to play in her own grave

Heartbroken dad prepares sick daughter
This is so heartbreaking, and it moved us to tears..
A devastated father who can no longer pay for his sick daughter’s medical bills is now preparing her for her death – by taking her to play in her “future grave”
Zhang Xin Lei, two, was diagnosed with a blood condition when she was just two-months-old.
The family, who live in China, have spent more than £11,000 on her medical treatment – but the money has now run out.
After realising there was nothing more he could do, her devastated dad Zhang Liyong decided his only option was to prepare her for death.
Heartbroken dad prepares sick daughter
He said:
“I could only come up with this idea of bringing her to play at this place. This is where she will rest in peace. All I can do is accompanying her every day.”
Liyong lies in the grave cuddling his young daughter while her mum, who is pregnant, sits nearby.
The family have borrowed money from friends, but the offers of financial help have now run out.
Zhang Xin Lei was diagnosed with Thalassaemia, an inherited condition which affects oxygen in the blood, when she was just two-months-old.
It requires lifelong treatment including medication and blood transfusions.
Heartbroken dad prepares sick daughter
Without close monitoring and regular treatment it can cause serious organ damage and can be life-threatening.
n an emotional interview, her tearful mum Deng Min said: “We have been driven into a corner.
“There is no other option.”

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