
Thursday 3 August 2017

20 Hollywood Movie Tricks That Look So Real – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes When You See Them (With Pictures)

Hollywood Movie Tricks That Look So Real – You probably already know that many movies use visual effects to enhance (or sometimes ruin) our cinematic experience, but you probably didn’t realize just how often – and to what extent – such effects are used in the modern-day film industry. Sure we know that the tiger in Life of Pi wasn’t real (we all know that, right?). Nor was most of what we saw in The Avengers. Oh, and Alice in Wonderland. That wasn’t real either. Sorry.
But you might be surprised to learn that other movies have also been digitally manipulated, and in ways that you might not expect. Take a look at the revealing before-and-after pictures we’ve compiled for you below to see what we mean. You’ll never look at movies in the same way again.

#1 Iron Man

#2 Deadly Honeymoon

#3 The Walking Dead


#5 Matrix

#6 Game of Thrones #7 Pirates of the Caribbeans 

#8 The Life of Pi

#9 Rise of the Planet of the Apes

#10 Boardwalk Empire

#11 Captain America

#12 The Hobbit

#13 Avengers

#14 Avatar

15 The Transformer

#15 Alice in WonderLand

#16 The Hunger Games

#17 Spiderman

#18 Captain America

#19 Boardwalk Empire

#20 Ant Man

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